Tianjin TROPJOIN Health Technology Group


Six Million! The donation ceremony of "Support and Help Farmers" was successfully held

At 15: 00 on August 1st, the donation ceremony to help of "Support and Help Farmers" was held in Molidawa Daur Autonomous Banner, Hulunbeier City, Inner Mongolia. Meng Daying, the Banner, Yu Zhiheng, the vice banner, Wang Jiwei, vice president of TROPJOIN Group, Zhang Ying, Chief Operating Officer of TROPJOIN Group, Ren Xiaomei, president of Heilongjiang New Industry Development Promotion Association, and other leaders attended the donation ceremony.

The donation ceremony was presided over by Yu Zhiheng. After the performance with national characteristics, the donation ceremony of RMB 6 Million and the awarding of silk banner were carried out. The leaders of the government and enterprises then made speeches on the future development and joint construction of Moqi, in-depth cooperation between government and enterprises, promotion of industrial integration and rural revitalization and other matters. Both the government and enterprises will unite the powerful entrepreneurship forces and their peers to deepen the mutual cooperation and discuss development plans, work together to create new achievements and new situations of mutual benefit and win-win. 


On-site donation of RMB 6 Million 


Moqi People's Government awarded the banner of "Enterprise Helping Farmers in Rural Areas". 

Tianjin TROPJOIN Health Technology Group,Reproduction is not allowed without permission.
Company address:Building #3, Xin Xing Yuan, No. 16 Bixiang Road, Xiqing District, Tianjin
Tianjin ICP Preparation 11001876-2
Jingongwang Anbei No. 12011502000543

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